polystyrene containers & cooler boxes

Quality Dry Ice Polystyrene Containers for Sale

Polystyrene coolers are low-cost and simple to produce in large quantities. Since they are inexpensive, they can be used only once or twice before being thrown away without causing significant financial impact. Polystyrene coolers can be customised with a wide range of shapes and sizes to meet your requirements. Shop polystyrene containers for sale in our online store. They are the industry’s lightest cooler option. You might also be interested in our range of cooler boxes for sale and dry ice in Cape Town.

As a multipurpose plastic, polystyrene is incorporated into a wide range of end-use products. Due to the material’s durability and transparency, it is widely used for food and chemical packaging and other applications that demand high visibility. The polystyrene used to make foam is produced in a factory. Expanded polystyrene (EPS) is a common name for this material.

Two primary forms of heat gain must be inhibited by an ice cooler: convection and conduction. During convection, heat is transferred from a warmer to a colder item by means of fluid currents, most commonly air. When heat travels directly from a hotter to a cooler item, the process is called conduction. Both types of warmth can be avoided with the use of coolers.

Keeping things cold in a polystyrene cooler box is easy since polystyrene is an excellent insulator but a poor heat conductor. A polystyrene box with its lid on creates a cold zone, into which only a small amount of surrounding heat can penetrate. Due to its high air-bubble content, polystyrene provides excellent insulation for whatever is contained within a cooler. Your beer will warm up a little every time the contents of your cooler come into contact with the warmer air outside, since the faster-moving molecules from the outside air will get inside and cause the chilly molecules to speed up. As a result, it’s recommended that you limit the number of times your cooler is accessed. Plan ahead by bringing in separate coolers for your food and drinks.

To what extent your cooler keeps things cool will be determined by the density of the foam you use to insulate it. Polystyrene cooler boxes are great for extending the life of already-cold items, but they won’t cool anything that’s already at room temperature. For this reason, ice or cold packs should be used to chill the holder’s contents.

Adding ice to polystyrene containers

The ratio of ice to contents that is usually regarded is approximately 2:1. The pace at which ice melts is proportional to the amount of surface area it has: A large ice block melts at a significantly slower rate than the same quantity of ice broken up into smaller cubes.

To achieve best results over a longer period of time, you may want to consider using dry ice. Approximately 18 to 24 hours of storage time can be expected for dry ice in a standard polystyrene cooler. Dry ice may keep its cold for three or four days if it is stored in a large enough cooler and multiple blocks are utilised in conjunction with one another. Since its founding in 1994, Dry Ice International has dominated the South African and African markets for dry ice production and delivery.

Dry ice, which is frozen carbon dioxide, has a temperature of -78.5°C, making it far colder than conventional ice, which has a temperature of 0°C. Dry ice is significantly colder than a typical freezer, which is usually set to a temperature of -18°C. There is no melting or other messy process involved because dry ice instantly changes from a solid to a gas.

There will be a direct correlation between the quantity of product you want to keep frozen and the quantity of dry ice required. A large quantity of dry ice and a negligible amount of food will stay cold for a very long time, but at a high expense. On the other hand, if you combine a small amount of dry ice with a large quantity of food, you won’t have much of either for very long.

Dry ice will dissolve more quickly if placed on the top of the cooler, as opposed to the bottom. This is due to the fact that dry ice warms up more quickly near the top of the cooler, where it is exposed to more heat, and because cold air lowers, away from the dry ice. Since less heat will be able to reach the dry ice if it is placed near the base, it will last longer. When you’re trying to extend the shelf life of dry ice, empty space or air is your enemy. Dry ice will stay longer in a smaller cooler with less air space than in a larger cooler with more air space, assuming the amount of dry ice is the same in both coolers. Dry ice dissolves more quickly when exposed to air.

Dry ice can be preserved for somewhat longer if it is stored in the plastic bags it comes in, as the plastic also acts as an insulator. In addition, dry ice can be preserved for extended periods of time if it is wrapped in newspaper or if cardboard is placed on both the top and bottom of the dry ice blocks.